#CostingEquity: The case for disability-responsive education financing
Resource type
- Myers, Juliette (Author)
- Pinnock, Helen (Author)
- Baboo, Nafisa (Author)
- Lewis, Ingrid (Author)
#CostingEquity: The case for disability-responsive education financing
The #CostingEquity research project investigated the benefits of financing disability-inclusive education, the current state of education financing
with regard to inclusion, and what needs to change in order for education financing to effectively support the realisation of SDG 4.
The #CostingEquity research report addresses three broad questions:
• How do international donors and domestic governments currently fund disability-inclusive education?
• What are the gaps and challenges in financing disability-inclusive education?
• What needs to change to increase quality, equitable financing for learners with disabilities?
The report aims to contribute to a better understanding of the issues related to equitable financing for education for learners with disabilities.
It considers additional marginalising factors such as gender, socio-economic status, social circumstances and urban/rural location. It offers key arguments for civil society activists, donors and government advisors to make the case for building and
strengthening inclusive education systems. Detailed case studies provide useful examples of financing gaps, challenges and promising practice
from developing country contexts, major education donors, and new and emerging philanthropic donor foundations. The focus of case studies and examples is on low and lower-middle income countries and were chosen to reflect a broad range
of regions and countries.The report concludes with a series of
recommendations for domestic and external financing approaches.
International Disability and Development Consortium
Library Catalogue
Myers, J., Pinnock, H., Baboo, N., & Lewis, I. (2018). #CostingEquity: The case for disability-responsive education financing (p. 72). International Disability and Development Consortium. https://www.light-for-the-world.org/sites/lfdw_org/files/download_files/costingequity-_the_case_for_disability-responsive_education_financing_15032017_acs_pdf.pdf
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