Time to Teach: Teacher Attendance and Time on Task in Primary Schools in Mozambique

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Time to Teach: Teacher Attendance and Time on Task in Primary Schools in Mozambique
Teacher attendance is one of the prerequisites on the path toward universal learning in developing countries. Over the past decades, however, studies from across the developing world have found national rates of teacher absenteeism that range from 3 to 27 per cent. Therefore, enhancing teachers' presence in the classroom and ensuring that class time is spent teaching, can contribute significantly to the productivity and inclusive prosperity of a country. This Time to Teach study collates and strengthens the evidence base on primary school teacher absenteeism in Mozambique. The study uses a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods to provide critical insights into the factors that underpin the multiple forms of teacher absenteeism and time on task. It also examines how factors vary across countries, school types, gender of teacher and other teacher characteristics. Despite high levels of teacher absenteeism, the study shows that teachers are generally committed and that what is needed is education system strengthening. It is hoped that findings will inform workable solutions and policies that will ensure a motivated teaching force, increase opportunities for children to learn at school and, ultimately, improve their life and work opportunities.
Short Title
Time to Teach
06/01/2022, 16:00
Library Catalogue
Nugroho, D., & Karamperidou, D. (2021). Time to Teach: Teacher Attendance and Time on Task in Primary Schools in Mozambique. UNICEF. https://eric.ed.gov/?q=subject%3aTeacher+Attendance&ff1=subTeacher+Attendance&id=ED615573