Innovation in the teaching-learning process in higher education in COVID-19 time in Mozambique

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Journal Article
Innovation in the teaching-learning process in higher education in COVID-19 time in Mozambique
Due to the great changes that COVID-19 brought to the world, education was one of the most affected sectors. Because of this, different teaching measures were adopted, so that the student would not be harmed and deprived of having access to learning, as a form of an emergency education that allows the continuity of the Teaching-Learning Process. To this end, the present research was conducted with the objective of identifying the innovative mechanisms adopted by Higher Education Institutions in the Teaching-Learning Process at the times of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a quali-quantitative, bibliographic, documental, descriptive and exploratory research of secondary data collected in all Mozambican Higher Education Institutions. The study population comprises all Higher Education Institutions in Mozambique, here considered finite (N=56). To achieve the objective, 46 Higher Education Institutions stratified into class and type were selected by convenience. Of the 46 Higher Education Institutions studied, 46% are class A, 39% class B, 9% class C, and 7% class D. For the continuation of the Teaching-Learning Process in Higher Education in COVID-19 season, WhatsApp platform was the most adopted by Higher Education Institutions with about 35.3%, followed by Google Classroom (27.7%), Zoom (15.1%), Moodle (14.3%), Skype (4.2%) and Colibri (3.4%). In this study, it was concluded that within the same institution, several platforms were used in the educational environment, motivated by the lack of a clear orientation about the application to be adopted or even by the low technical preparation of the users. Therefore, a training to all teachers about the platforms adopted is recommended for Teaching–learning process, as well as presentation to students and if possible experimentation in labs or smartphones.
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Journal Abbr
Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
2690 - 0688
Library Catalogue
Mahaluça, F., Moiana, C., Macuacua, J. D., Marrengula, N., & Macuacua, V. (2022). Innovation in the teaching-learning process in higher education in COVID-19 time in Mozambique. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5, 1–5.