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TCPD in Tanzania: Phase 2 Round 1 Recommendations

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TCPD in Tanzania: Phase 2 Round 1 Recommendations
The study reported here is for Phase 2 of the research project known as ‘The Impact of a Tech-Supported, School-Based Teacher Continuous Professional Development Model on Learning Outcomes in Tanzania’ and part of the global Empowering Teachers Initiative (ETI), which comprises 10 country projects. It is closely aligned with the implementation of ‘MEWAKA’ (Mafunzo Endelevu kwa Walimu Kazini) or Teacher continuous professional development (TCPD), and the Tanzania National TCPD implementation plan. MEWAKA is an innovative, school-based, technology-supported programme currently being implemented by the Government of Tanzania in schools nationwide. The research was co-developed and designed collaboratively between EdTech Hub, the Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE), and Aga Khan University, with consultation from key stakeholders at the ministry level. The work’s current (second) phase focuses on issues of equity, agency, and adaptation in scaling MEWAKA. This policy brief summarises the key findings and recommendations from the first round of data collection for Phase 2 of the research project, conducted in March 2024. Keywords: teachers; teacher professional development; Tanzania; MEWAKA; participatory research An output of the EdTech Hub,
Report Type
Policy Brief
EdTech Hub
16/09/2024, 00:00
Call Number
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
DOI: 10.53832/edtechhub.1060 ZenodoArchiveID: 13767575 ZenodoArchiveConcept: 13767574
Swai, C., Chachage, K., Koomar, S., Hennessy, S., Massam, W., Komba, A., Mwakabungu, F., Paskali, J. H., Anthony, G., Mrope, W. J., Malibichi, M., Mutura, E., Mrosso, V., Komba, P., Nkya, H., Mtenzi, F., Adam, T., & Simmons, H. (2024). TCPD in Tanzania:  Phase 2 Round 1 Recommendations [Policy Brief]. EdTech Hub.
Education systems
Educational level
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Focus Countries