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Remote Learning: Rapid Evidence Assessment

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Remote Learning: Rapid Evidence Assessment
This rapid evidence assessment aimed to investigate methods that schools could use to support remote learning during school closures caused by the 2020 coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19). The review sought to find the best evidence behind the wide array of approaches that schools might choose to use during the crisis. The review systematically searched for/through existing meta-analyses and systematic reviews to find the best evidence for a wide range of approaches. In addition to the direct teaching of pupils online by teachers, the review also found evidence for approaches that pupils can use independently, including with technology that adapts the content of tasks in order to provide additional challenge or support, educational games, and for approaches that support peer interaction. The review also examined blended learning approaches, which combine remote and classroom teaching. While these approaches may not be directly applicable during school closures, they were included in case there were useful lessons to be learned that were relevant to the current context of home learning. This report summarises the findings from 60 systematic reviews and meta-analyses answers under five key topic areas: - General remote teaching and learning - Blended learning - Computer-supported collaborative learning - Computer assisted instruction - Educational games Another crucial aspect of supporting pupil’s learning is parental engagement. Parental engagement approaches are beyond the scope of this review, but an existing EEF guidance report, Working with Parents to Support Children’s Learning (2019), and accompanying evidence review summarise the best available evidence for engaging parents in their children’s education. In each section, we have detailed the included reviews and listed Findings and implications drawn from the evidence. We have also highlighted case studies from projects funded by the Education Endowment Foundation in which similar approaches have been rigorously evaluated in English schools.
Report Number
Report Type
Rapid Evidence Review
London, United Kingdom
Education Endowment Foundation
April 2020
15/07/2020, 12:19
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4477023 ZenodoArchiveID: 4477023
Education Endowment Foundation. (2020). Remote Learning: Rapid Evidence Assessment (Rapid Evidence Review No. 9). Education Endowment Foundation.