Education systems
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Pakistan Landscape Analysis Inception Report: UNICEF Inception Report

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Pakistan Landscape Analysis Inception Report: UNICEF Inception Report
Based on the growing access to technology, and the lessons learned from the experiences during the Covid-19 school closures, the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (MoEFPT) has identified the formalisation of a strategy to develop and implement technology-based learning approaches as an immediate national priority. UNICEF Pakistan is developing a strategy to guide its engagement in the technology-facilitated learning space in Pakistan. This strategy will identify how both low- and high-tech learning modalities can be scaled to improve access to and the quality of learning for all Pakistan’s children and adolescents, including the most marginalised. This strategy will be underpinned by a rigorous review of the technology-enhanced learning landscape in Pakistan. EdTech Hub has supported governments and development partners globally to research, design, implement, and evaluate EdTech-related programmes to support education service delivery both during school closures and since reopenings have commenced. EdTech Hub will support UNICEF to undertake the aforementioned landscape review, focused specifically on EdTech tools that are being used for student learning in Pakistan. EdTech Hub will then collaborate with UNICEF to develop a strategy for UNICEF’s engagement in the technology-facilitated learning arena. This inception report sets out the scope of work for this partnership. The remainder of the report contains the following sections. Keywords:marginalised learners; EdTech tools; Pakistan; UNICEF; inception report; MoFEPT An output of the EdTech Hub, https://edtechhub.org
EdTech Hub
Call Number
EdTech Hub Team. (2022). Pakistan Landscape Analysis Inception Report: UNICEF Inception Report. EdTech Hub. https://doi.org/10.53832/edtechhub.0094
Education systems
Publisher and type
Focus Countries