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In 2020, the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at the Brookings Institution joined the Global Partnership for Education’s (GPE) Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX), a joint partnership between the Global Partnership for Education and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), to facilitate a cross-national, multiteam, design-based research and professional support initiative called Research on Scaling the Impact of Innovations in Education (ROSIE). The intention of ROSIE...
Education technology is leveraging smartphones to reverse the pandemic-induced learning crisis.
The expansion of the global communication network with the help of technological developments has undoubtedly shown its greatest impact in the field of education. As a matter of fact, the spread of communication networks between countries and individuals, in the field of education; it has created a global perception of education by accelerating the circulation of information resources, ideas and products. Especially with the COVID-19 epidemic, the transition to distance education has...
A global survey of teachers’ responses to the Covid-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to an economic stand-still, and the poor and vulnerable populations are bearing the brunt of this crisis. Power and Participation Research Centre (PPRC) and BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) have been jointly conducting a multi-phase study since April 2020 to capture the changing impact of the COVID-19 health and economic crisis on low-income communities...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating role of online learning motivation (OLM) in the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Bangladesh by observing and comparing direct lectures (DL), instructor–learner interaction (ILI), learner–learner interaction (LLI), and internet self-efficacy (ISE) as predictors of OLM and online learning satisfaction (OLS). Data were collected from 442 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 35 universities in Bangladesh. To test the...
Historically, there has been concern about students losing reading ability over extended breaks from school, commonly in the summer, but studies of this phenomenon have produced inconsistent results. We applied exploratory visual analysis of multiple datasets to examine whether students in Grades K-5 appear to lose or improve in various reading abilities over the summer and across consecutive school years. Archival data were obtained on students of different U.S. school districts who did not...
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