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MEWAKA (Mafunzo Endelevu kwa Walimu Kazini, or teacher continuous professional development [TCPD]) is a landmark teacher professional development programme being implemented by the Government of Tanzania. The research project, 'The Impact of a Tech-Supported, School-Based TPD Model on Learning Outcomes in Tanzania, using Design-Based Implementation Research (DBIR)', closely aligns with the Tanzania National TCPD implementation plan, to evaluate the implementation of MEWAKA at school level....
An output of the EdTech Hub,
An output of the EdTech Hub,
An output of the EdTech Hub,
An output of the EdTech Hub,
Kifurushi hiki kina zana za utafiti zilizotengenezwa na EdTech Hub, Aga Khan University, na Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania kwa ajili ya utafiti unaochunguza athari za programu ya maendeleo ya kitaaluma ya walimu kwenye matokeo ya masomo ya ngazi ya msingi. Zana zimetengenezwa na kufanyiwa majaribio makubwa katika warsha, pamoja na shuleni. Zana hizi zimetengenezwa kwa kuzingatia mifano mizuri kama vile zana ya Benki ya Dunia ya TEACH ya uchunguzi wa darasani, pamoja na miradi mingine ya utafiti...
This pack contains links to research instruments developed by EdTech Hub, Aga Khan University, and Tanzania Institute of Education for a study investigating the impact of a national teacher professional development programme on primary-level learning outcomes. The tools have been developed iteratively, with substantive piloting having taken place, both in workshop settings and in schools. They draw on good practice examples, such as the World Bank’s TEACH tool for classroom observation and...
An output of the EdTech Hub,
This exploratory mixed-methods study investigates the factors that shape where teachers want to work in Sierra Leone. We identify five dominant factors: monetary incentives, school conditions, opportunities for professional development and support, school location, and relationships with the school and the community. Importantly, these factors combine to push and pull teachers to different locations. Moreover, the factors interact with individual teacher characteristics such as gender,...
This article presents the findings of an in-depth study on the implementation of six EdTech-supported projects within the UK Government Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)’s Girls’ Education Challenge portfolio, which aims to improve education for the world’s most marginalised girls. Using primary key informant interviews and secondary data from sampled projects, the study identifies the core components related to the implementation of EdTech within the sampled projects:...
This report provides an overview of the teacher deployment process in Sierra Leone prior to and including 2022. Through interviews with key stakeholders in the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) and the Teaching Service Commission (TSC), we look at lessons learnt from the deployment process and next steps for how teacher deployment can be implemented. Although there are a number of volunteer teachers in Sierra Leone, the TSC are aiming to increase the number of...
Since the launch of the Free Quality School Education (FQSE) Programme in 2018, the Sierra Leone Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) has prioritised the use of data for decision-making across several education reform programmes. Part of this vision has been to build systems to measure school quality through School Quality Assurance Officers (SQAOs) using data collection and feedback. This system includes using tools for teacher management, lesson observations, school...
In the years following a global pandemic that left 1.6 billion learners out of school, the global learning crisis has grown more urgent. Governments worldwide have sought technology-enabled education platforms that can support higher quality, resilient education systems. One cheap and easy tool for delivering remote educational support is basic mobile phones, which represent a potentially cost-effective and remote platform for adapting a range of proven pedagogical methods. To do so...
This report shares the experience and learning from the activities carried out as part of the Government of Tanzania's efforts to operationalise its National Framework for Teacher Continuous Professional Development (TCPD), which shifts TCPD from discreet workshops to cost-effective, ongoing, school-based professional development. It is among the first of its kind at a national level, particularly in low- and middle-income country contexts. Through a collaborative and responsive approach of...
Policymakers in low- and lower-middle-income countries are in a bind: while more complex EMIS designs may make processes more likely to fail following donor exit, simple EMIS designs do not provide enough information to track the effects of reforms and progress addressing the learning crisis. Even for basic measures, EMIS appear to generate inaccurate data in many cases. Reflections on EMIS implementation challenges point to demand and supply issues, with the former being the more...
This report is one of several on the research project on the Impact of GIS-Supported Teacher Allocation in Sierra Leone. Recent studies from this series have shown that being put on the government payroll can incentivise teachers to relocate to remote areas of the country. There is a concern, however, that being put on the payroll does not necessarily ensure the retention of teachers in these areas and that teachers will soon move to locations they consider more favourable. As there is no...
An output of the EdTech Hub,
EdTech Hub, Fab Inc, and the Education Workforce Initiative have produced the outputs listed in this document as part of the EdTech Hub-commissioned research project on ‘GIS-supported teacher allocation in Sierra Leone’. This research project began in January 2022. This document lists all outputs produced under this project. All outputs are available to the public via the EdTech Hub Evidence Library. An output of the EdTech Hub,
This is a Swahili version of the policy brief Teachers’ Experiences of Teaching With Technology in Tanzania: Recommendations for policy and practice published in October 2022. Muhtasari huu wa masuala ya kisera unatoa ripoti ya utafiti wa walimu nchini Tanzania (Julai-Novemba 2021) ambao EdTech Hub iliagiza HakiElimu kuufanya ili kuchangia taarifa itakayosaidia mchakato endelevu wa serikali kuleta mageuzi ya MEWAKA katika ngazi za shule na vituo vya walimu. Dodoso zilichukuliwa kutoka katika...
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