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The objective of the Digital Literacy Global Framework (DLGF) project is to develop a methodology that can serve as the foundation for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) thematic Indicator 4.4.2: “Percentage of youth/adults who have achieved at least a minimum level of proficiency in digital literacy skills”. To achieve this objective, we have built on the European Commission’s Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp 2.0) as the initial framework and conducted four empirical studies to develop the proposed framework.
Instructional videos have been developed to engage pre-service teachers to learn how to teach scientific approach in science classroom. This study aimed to improve preservice teachers' awareness of scientific approach in science classroom through instructional video along with their responses. Thirty two pre-service science teachers from Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia, participated in this study and observed two different instructional videos using video-analysis worksheet...
This paper addresses the politics of language use in African nations and societies. It highlights the role of power and economics in the choice of language. It discusses linguistic imperialism and language shift, and how they lead to language endangerment. The paper also discusses linguistic decolonization whereby societies resist linguistic domination and endangerment and embark on language maintenance. It touches on the methods employed in language decolonisation, namely language...
This report presents the results of RTI International Education’s study on teachers' guides across 13 countries and 19 projects. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we examine how teachers’ guides across the projects differ and find substantial variation in the design and structure of the documents. We develop a scripting index so that the scripting levels of the guides can be compared across projects. The impact results of the programs that use teachers’ guides show significant...
Do teachers have accurate beliefs about their effort and ability? This paper explores this through a survey experiment in public-private partnership schools in Uganda, wherein teacher self-beliefs are contrasted with their beliefs about other teachers in the same school. The study finds that, on average, teachers tend to rate ability, effort, and job satisfaction more positively for themselves than for other teachers. This tendency is called high relative self-regard. The study finds no...
The anonymity of online discussion forums does not deter instructors from exhibiting bias in favor of white males.
Teaching in the multi-grade class is more difficult than mono-grade for teachers, however, multi-grade teaching was defined as the best strategy to achieving access to Education For All (EFA) of children especially those from rural areas. Teachers have been working diligently but unmethodical in their classroom. This study aimed to improve and enhance the teachers' professional skills which they have been facing in the classroom through the Lesson study and discuss why most of the teachers...
A chronology of key events in the history of Vietnam
EdTech is expanding. Today you can find an app to learn almost anything. This is causing EdTech landscape to evolve & diversify.
The academic achievement gap is a persistent phenomenon in U.S. education system despite a long history of efforts and billions of dollars spent to correct it. Literature abounds with theories about why the gap exist, such as: student self-perception, parent involvement, teacher quality, and others. Model based approaches have been used to understand various aspects of the phenomenon. However, no models were identified that consider a comprehensive set of theories, and is specifically...
Le site Jen Reviews propose un article intéressant sur les apports et l’intégration de la technologie dans ses enseignements. L’article (en anglais) est disponible via le lien Cet artic…
The falling learning outcome is one of the major challenges faced by most of the educational systems. Adaptive educational systems (AESs) are viewed as catalyst...
System Dynamics celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2017. While there have been numerous special issues in diverse journals that bring together work by System Dynamics scholars who share similar research interests, there have been no systematic reviews of scholarly activity across the broad field. This paper presents a computational literature review of the field from 1974 to 2017. A CLR automates the analysis of research articles with analysis of content (topic modelling of abstracts) to...
We investigate the impacts of school-based internet access on pupil achievement in Peru, using a large panel of 5,903 public primary schools that gained internet connections during 2007-2014. We employ an event study approach and a trend break analysis that exploit variation in the timing of internet roll-out up to 5 years after installation. We find that internet access has a moderate, positive short-run impact on school-average standardized math scores, but importantly that this effect...
We report on an online double-blind randomized controlled field experiment (A/B test) in Math Garden, a computer adaptive practice system with over 150,000 active primary school children. The experiment was designed to eliminate an unforeseen opportunity to practice with minimal effort. Some children tend to skip problems that require deliberate effort, and only attempt problems that they can spontaneously answer. The intervention delayed the option to skip a problem, thereby promoting...
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