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Kenya is investing in information and communication technology (ICT) to improve children’s learning outcomes. However, the literature on ICT is pessimistic about the ability of ICT alone to improve outcomes, and few ICT programs have created the instructional change necessary to increase learning. The Primary Math and Reading (PRIMR) Initiative implemented a randomized controlled trial of three ICT interventions to enhance learning outcomes: tablets for instructional supervisors, tablets for teachers, and e-readers for students.
The use of an online learning community is one possible approach to teachers’ professional development that can enhance the opportunity for collaboration. Discussions in online learning communities not only allow community members to share resources, ideas and expertise, but also contribute to the fulfilment of teachers’ needs in terms of continuous learning and professional development. This paper reports the findings of a study that aimed to explore the factors that influence the way...
In the field of health, numerous frameworks have emerged that advance understandings of the differential impacts of health policies to produce inclusive and socially just health outcomes. In this paper, we present the development of an important contribution to these efforts – an Intersectionality-Based Policy Analysis (IBPA) Framework.
This article describes research results based on multiple years of experimentation and real-world experience with an adaptive tutoring system named Wayang Outpost. The system represents a novel adaptive learning technology that has shown successful outcomes with thousands of students, and provided teachers with valuable information about students’ mathematics performance. We define progress in three areas: improved student cognition, engagement, and affect, and we attribute this improvement...
We are better users of technology when we are thinking critically about the nature and effects of that technology. What we must do is work to encourage students and ourselves to think critically about new tools (and, more importantly, the tools we already use).
This study examined the use of technology in the teaching of History in three (3) selected Senior High Schools in the Cape Coast metropolis. The study was modelled on the descriptive survey design with a sample size of 159 respondents, made up of 153 History students and 6 History teachers from three selected schools. The instruments used to collect data were the questionnaire and the interview guide. The study found that technologies such as computers, projectors, internet, and...
International organizations like UNICEF are no stranger to dealing with devastating medical outbreaks like the ongoing Ebola crisis happening in West Africa, which has already claimed almost 5,000 lives. To engage local supporters, UNICEF recently hosted a speaker luncheon in San Francisco to explain the powerful work they have been doing on the ground throughout ...
This study focuses on the socio-cultural and institutional factors that affect female teacher deployment in rural primary schools in Nigeria. In Kwara State, there are extreme imbalances in teacher distribution between rural and urban areas due to female teachers’ active avoidance and/or attrition from rural posts. Given these problems, this article discusses an innovative use of the Capability Approach that informed a rural teacher deployment policy that addressed a number of issues that...
Durante a última década a presença de computadores em Cabo Verde tem aumentado consideravelmente, bem como as suas influências em sectores importante para o desenvolvimento do país. Há já algum tempo que conhecimentos académicos tradicionais não se fazem suficientes para garantir a produtividade se não forem, obrigatoriamente, complementados pelos domínios das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Este Trabalho de Investigação, estuda as condições e as contribuições do subsistema Ensino...
This paper will focus on how ICT in the classroom could really work to provide the children the education they need in this 21st century. Learning for children with the use of ICT in the classroom can work if teachers have the ability and skills to integrate ICT in their classroom. This is where the headmasters play a crucial role, if the teachers are supported by the surrounding education system. Simply placing hardware in schools will NOT improve the quality of teaching and learning. The...
It has for some time been widely recognised that some fiscal transfers to Local Government Authorities (LGAs) are very unevenly distributed – in particular government recurrent transfers, most notably those for the payment of salaries, Personal Emoluments (PE). The objective of this study is to analyse progress, achievements and challenges of the current strategies for addressing inequalities of recurrent grant allocations across LGAs.
M-learning is a form of learning, which has similarities and differences with the electronic learning (elearning). It is mainly based on the use of the mobile wireless technologies that allow for learners to easily access learning materials anytime he desires and anywhere, whether on campus or off campus. Therefore, this creates a new flexible learning environment in the context of different learning settings. Students' perception of such technology is one of the most important factors for...
This article explores how eight secondary school teachers integrated educational technology into English language teaching in Beijing, China and considers their views of the factors influencing technology use. Analysing data from classroom recordings and follow-up interviews, this study revealed that PowerPoint was the most frequently used technological application in the classroom, while the internet and other technological tools were also used by the teachers. They employed educational...
We present evidence on the impact on students' math and reading scores of one of the largest deployments of an OLPC program and the only one implemented at a national scale: Plan Ceibal in Uruguay. Unlike previous work in the field, we have unique data that allow us to know the exact date of laptop delivery for every student in the sample. This gives us the ability to use a continuous treatment, where days of exposure are used as a treatment intensity measure. We use a panel data framework...