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  • EdTech Hub country scans explore factors that enable and hinder the use of technology in education. These factors include the policy or vision for EdTech, institutional capacity, private sector partnerships, and digital infrastructure. The scans are intended to be comprehensive but are by no means exhaustive. The aim is to provide a useful starting point for more in-depth discussions about opportunities and barriers in EdTech in specific countries and, in this case, Liberia. This report is...

  • EdTech Hub country scans explore factors that enable and hinder the use of technology in education. These factors include the policy or vision for EdTech, institutional capacity, private sector partnerships, and digital infrastructure. The scans are intended to be comprehensive but are by no means exhaustive. The aim is to provide a useful starting point for more in-depth discussions about opportunities and barriers in EdTech in specific countries and, in this case, Liberia. This report is...

  • This Learning Brief is part of the EdTech Hub Learning Brief Series, providing practical resources for people working to improve the use of technology in education. In this brief, we look at the potential for participatory methods to bring teachers closer to the decision-making table. Insights from those closest to the work shed light on the daily contextual realities that can determine the mechanisms for optimal success or failure of a programme. However, these voices are often neglected...

Last update from database: 21/09/2024, 00:31 (UTC)