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Two areas of learning research, research about the learning process and views about the learner, need to be considered to guide educational stakeholders in the task of successfully redesigning schools to promote learning. The most meaningful learning results from an instructional design based on learning research. Research in the application of systems theory in education has profound implications for curriculum, instruction, and assessment in schools.
The effect of providing middle school students with a video accommodation for a standardized mathematics test was examined. Two hundred forty-seven students were asked to solve 60 word problems. One half of the questions were presented in standard form, while the other half were read by an actor on a video monitor. Students were grouped according to mathematics and reading ability. A test accommodation effect was found for students possessing below-average mathematics skills. The problems...
This article presents evidence from an evaluation conducted by the Primary Science Programme (PSP) in South Africa, concerning the impact of classroom-based coaching on the teaching methods used by primary science teachers. The methods used by teachers provided with both workshops and classroom-based coaching were compared with those used by teachers who received workshops only and a control group who received no InSET at all. The findings showed that teachers who received coaching made...
In some language situations primary education in the mother tongue may not be desirable. A number of factors may militate against education in the mother tongue: (1) difficulty in determining the mother tongue. This is especially a problem in multilingual settings where children grow up with multiple mother tongues; (2) definition of 'a language'. Mother tongues may be deemed to be the standard variety; and (3) social and ethnic divisiveness of mother tongue education. In multilingual...
One hundred and sixty children 312–7 years of age (10M, 10F at each 6-month interval) were tested on a task that requires inhibitory control of action plus learning and remembering two rules. They were asked to say “day” whenever a black card with the moon and stars appeared and to say “night” when shown a white card with a bright sun. Children <5 years had great difficulty. They started out performing well, but could not sustain this over the course of the 16-trial session. Response latency...
The “Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies” developed by the Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP) is a tool for doing knowledge synthesis. This instrument, along with a user manual, provides a standardized means to assess study quality and develop recommendations for study findings. The quality appraisal tool was developed by the Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP) as a discrete step within the systematic review process.
Luria's tapping test (tap once when E taps twice, tap twice when E taps once) was administered to 160 children (80 males, 80 females) between 31/2 to 7 years old. Older children were faster and more accurate than younger children, with most of the improvement occurring by the age of 6. All children tested demonstrated understanding of the instructions during the pretest, and most started out performing well, but younger subjects could not sustain this. Over the 16 trials, percentage of...
COPPA imposes certain requirements on operators of websites or online services directed to children under 13 years of age, and on operators of other websites or online services that have actual knowledge that they are collecting personal information online from a child under 13 years of age.
In this paper we suggest using general system theory (GST) as a unifying theoretical framework for science and technology education for all. Five reasons are articulated: the multidisciplinary nature of systems theory, the ability to engage complexity, the capacity to describe system dynamics and change, the ability to represent the relationship between the micro-level and macro-level of analysis, and the ability to bring together the natural and human worlds. The historical origins of...