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The Open School (OS) of Bangladesh Open University (BOU) runs three pre-University programs namely Junior School Certificate (JSC) for Grade 6-8, Secondary School Certificate (SSC) for Grade 9-10, and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) for grade 11-12 through open and distance learning (ODL) mode. Management of these programs is highly influenced by the government policy particularly at the time of political change in Bangladesh. Normally, formal school syllabus and curriculum are subject to...
This paper is the latest in a short series on the origins, processes and effects of performativity in the public sector. Performativity, it is argued, is a new mode of state regulation which makes it possible to govern in an ‘advanced liberal’ way. It requires individual practitioners to organize themselves as a response to targets, indicators and evaluations. To set aside personal beliefs and commitments and live an existence of calculation. The new performative worker is a promiscuous...
Despite the growing interest in 1:1 computing initiatives, relatively little empirical research has focused on the outcomes of these investments. The current special edition of the Journal of Technology and Assessment presents four empirical studies of K-12 1:1 computing programs and one review of key themes in the conversation about 1:1 computing among advocates and critics. In this introduction to our 1:1 special edition, we synthesize across the studies and discuss the emergent themes....
Students at Tumaini University in Tanzania won a prestigious OLPC project where Ukombozi primary school in Tanzania was given 100 XO laptops for the children at the school. After teachers and students had undertaken basic training in using the laptops the workshop “Working for my Dreams” was organized at the school. The XO laptop, specially designed for young learners in developing countries showed a number of short comings including the poor functionality of the mouse, difficulties in...
Stakeholder analysis is a tool that can help museum edu cators identify and assess the potential influence of key people, groups of people, constituencies, and institutions on the success of their plans and programs. Educators, skilled at working with people, can use their well honed interpersonal skills to understand networks of relationships to an ticipate the kind of influence, positive or negative, individuals or groups may render to support or hinder initiatives in the face of potential oppor tunities or reduced budgets.
Copious educational technology projects have been implemented in several low-income communities by multilateral institutions, individuals, and governmental agencies. Statistics show that the majority of these initiatives fail to accomplish their objectives, thereby wasting colossal amounts of money, talent, and resources. Scholars aver that poor planning and implementation are the major deterrents to a successful technology project (Flagg, 1990; Osin, 1998; Warschauer, 2006). Responding to...