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Donors and planners often have unrealistic expectations about what can be achieved in a short time period and underestimate the challenges facing EMIS.
This essay discusses a particular aspect of poverty: its close and brutal association with a failure of aspirations. This is not an assertion about individuals who are poor; it is a statement about the condition of poverty itself. Poverty stifles dreams, or at least the process of attaining dreams. Thus, poverty and the failure of aspirations may be reciprocally linked in a self-sustaining trap. This essay seeks to draw out various aspects of this theme and, in the process, to introduce and...
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) stands at the forefront of contemporary efforts to create universal access to educational curricula for all students, including those with disabilities. The "universal" in UDL does not mean there is a single optimal solution for everyone. Instead, it underscores the need for flexible approaches to teaching and learning that meet the needs of different kinds of learners. In this first UDL Reader, Anne Meyer and David H. Rose, cofounders of CAST, the...
When we reflect on the emergence of online education and e-learning as the leading contender to confront the traditions of face-to-face teaching and learning, it is not only a case of better understanding the characteristics of online environments, but also timely to assess the relevance of theories and frameworks informing the design and implementation of those environments. Over the past twenty five years, the value of technology to education has been a significant focus of teachers,...
This unique resource provides a wealth of theories and strategies for teachers to help spark students' motivations to learn and succeed beyond their formal schooling years.
Convention Ratifications/Accessions: 182 Signatories*: 164 Optional Protocol Ratifications/Accessions: 96 Signatories*: 94 (* Signatories include countries or regional integration organizations that have signed the Convention and its Optional Protocol) 10th Anniversary of the adoption of CRPD: 2006 to 2016 Infographic on the CRPD and the COSP (prepared October 2016: (Word, PDF) Status of Ratifications to the CRPD (prepared May 2016) (JPG, […]
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of formative assessment and learning style on student achievement in a Web-based learning environment. A quasi-experimental research design was used. Participants were 455 seventh grade students from 12 classes of six junior high schools. A Web-based course, named BioCAL, combining three different formative assessment strategies was developed. The formative assessment strategies included Formative Assessment Module of the Web-Based...