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The purpose of the current study was to analyse the pre service teachers training programs for the distance learners of Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) Islamabad, Pakistan. This kind of training is provided to the future teachers enrolled to acquire pre service training to become a teacher in a Government educational institution in Pakistan. The data was collected by administering a 45 items agree disagree four points Likert type scale to the subjects mainly through the scheduled...
Existing typical room based learning in the four southernmost provinces of Thailand includes several limitations. Physical security is the key issue when making journeys to schools and universities and the destruction of physical buildings also poses concrete limitations to existing room based learning in the affected area. With this phenomenon, the accessibility to physical room based class is problematic and limited. In contrast, the accessibility to mobile networks is getting wider;...
Financial incentives are widely used strategies to alleviate poverty, foster development, and improve health. Cash transfer programs, microcredit, user fee removal policies and voucher schemes that provide direct or indirect monetary incentives to households have been used for decades in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and more recently in Southeast Asia. Until now, no systematic review of the impact of financial incentives on coverage and uptake of health interventions targeting children...
This study examines the challenges faced by Kenyan secondary school principals in the use of ICT in enhancing school management. The study investigated computer literacy levels of secondary school principals, challenges faced by principals in integrating ICT for management and acquiring computer hardware and software, extent in which ICT is being used in management and the recommendations which can enhance the principals use ICT for management. The target groups of schools under the study...
Secondary school teachers occupy the most critical and crucial position in the entire education system (Suleman, et al, 2011a). The purpose of the study was to compare the performance of online and directly selected secondary school teachers regarding teaching proficiency and classroom Management. All the students at secondary school level in Kohat Division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan) constituted the population of the study. Only 600 students studying at secondary school level in Kohat...
This research was aimed to explore the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education in teacher training programs in the Khyber Pakthunkhwa and Punjab provinces in Pakistan. It was the first time that the course "ICTs in Education" was implemented for ADE/B. Ed (Elementary) programs in session 2010-11. In this situation, it was vital to explore how successfully this course was implemented in the pioneer institutions, so as to have baseline information for...
there must be an I, a C, and a T here somewhere ... There are, broadly speaking, two strands of concurrent thinking that dominate discussions around the use of new technologies in education around the world. At one end of the continuum, talk is dominated by words like 'transformation'. The ...
We discuss some research that has examined approach motivational urges and how this research clarifies the definition of approach motivation. Our research and that of others have raised doubts about the commonly accepted definition of approach motivation, which views it as a positive affective state triggered by positive stimuli. We review evidence that suggests: (a) that approach motivation is occasionally evoked by negative stimuli; (b) that approach motivation may be experienced as a...
In this study, we evaluate the efficacy of teacher communication with parents and students as a means of increasing student engagement. We estimate the causal effect of teacher communication by conducting a randomized field experiment in which sixth- and ninth-grade students were assigned to receive a daily phone call home and a text/written message during a mandatory summer school program. We find that frequent teacher–family communication immediately increased student engagement as...
In developing countries, assessments of progress toward development goals are based increasingly on household surveys. These are inappropriate for obtaining information about the poorest. Typically, they omit by design: the homeless; those in institutions; and mobile, nomadic, or pastoralist populations. Moreover, in practice, household surveys typically under-represent: those in fragile, disjointed households; slum populations and areas posing security risks. Those six sub-groups constitute...
The present review examines research on the effects of educational technology applications on mathematics achievement in K-12 classrooms. Unlike previous reviews, this review applies consistent inclusion standards to focus on studies that met high methodological standards. In addition, methodological and substantive features of the studies are investigated to examine the relationship between educational technology applications and study features. A total of 74 qualified studies were included...
Student engagement is widely recognised as an important influence on achievement and learning in higher education and as such is being widely theorised and researched. This article firstly reviews and critiques the four dominant research perspectives on student engagement: the behavioural perspective, which foregrounds student behaviour and institutional practice; the psychological perspective, which clearly defines engagement as an individual psycho-social process; the socio-cultural...
Survey questions asking about taboo topics such as sexual activities, illegal behaviour such as social fraud, or unsocial attitudes such as racism, often generate inaccurate survey estimates which are distorted by social desirability bias. Due to self-presentation concerns, survey respondents underreport socially undesirable activities and overreport socially desirable ones. This article reviews theoretical explanations of socially motivated misreporting in sensitive surveys and provides an...