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This research explores the deployment of model lessons through digital video as part of an in-service effort to engage teachers in government and private rural Indian schools and non-formal educational settings. Our mixed method design combined tests of skills in English and math with participant observation and videotaping of English and math instruction for 100 children in 3 rural schools and 1 non-formal setting over eight months. In this paper we present analyses of test score data and...
This research explores the deployment of model lessons through digital video as part of an in-service effort to engage teachers in government and private rural Indian schools and non-formal educational settings. Our mixed method design combined tests of skills in English and math with participant observation and videotaping of English and math instruction for 100 children in 3 rural schools and 1 non-formal setting over eight months. In this paper we present analyses of test score data and...
In this report the relationship between the language spoken at home and educational attendance and attainment is studied for 26 developing countries from all regions of the developing world. For these 26 countries, we have constructed country profiles that show the percentages of the population belonging to the major linguistic groups and the variation in adult educational attainment and children’s educational attendance among the these groups. The profiles reveal for most of the countries...
We argue that the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) can be better understood by examining the general history of development communication and, specifically, through a historical debate between communication scholars Ithiel de Sola Pool and Herbert Schiller. Although originally conducted around broadcast media, the Pool-Schiller conversation identifies questions still relevant to contemporary information and communication for development (ICT4D) projects like the OLPC. Our analysis of their debate...
Our aim is to compare the coverage of the Scopus database with that of Ulrich, to determine just how homogenous it is in the academic world. The variables taken into account were subject distribution, geographical distribution, distribution by publishers and the language of publication. The analysis of the coverage of a product of this nature should be done in relation to an accepted model, the optimal choice being Ulrich’s Directory, considered the international point of reference for the...
We describe work toward the goal of a user interface (UI) designed such that even novice, illiterate users require absolutely no intervention from anyone at all to use. Our text-free UI is based on many hours of ethnographic design conducted in collaboration with a community of illiterate domestic laborers in three Bangalore slums. An ethnographic design process was used to understand what kind of application subjects would be interested in, how they respond to computing technology, and how...
The present study was undertaken to highlight the gender disparities of Pakistan as well as at regional and international level. The study, measured the comparative outcome of formal and non-formal system of education in Pakistan. To achieve the desired goal, documentary analysis was considered appropriate. The number of schools and enrollment during the years 2001 to 2004 of the formal system for primary, middle and high level was considered and enrollment during the year 198-1999 and 2004...
This article continues the analyses of the impact of an innovative teacher education programme aimed at school improvement in a developing country context (A. Khamis, P. Sammons, 2004. The development of a cadre of teacher educators: some lessons from Pakistan. International Journal of Educational Development, 24(3), 255–268). Building on recent publications that have analysed outcomes of the teacher education programme and how the cadre of teacher educators has worked to initiate...
What do we want to know? This review aims to explore and describe the role of the specialist in CPD programmes that provide evidence of positive outcomes for pupils as well as teachers within a broad range of indicators, including (for pupils) achievement, attainment, motivation and attitudes; and (for teachers) behaviours, knowledge, understanding and a range of affective outcomes, such as beliefs, attitudes and motivation. Who wants to know and why? The issue of how best to support...
Abstract. This paper presents the results of two randomized experiments conducted in schools in urban India. A remedial education program hired young women to
As its central objective, this study attempts to assess the implementation of English Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) in selected government primary schools in Addis Ababa. In line with that, the researcher has framed specific questions that address issues related to classroom management, training given to the teachers, links among different stakeholders and the suitability and clarity of the program. Students and teachers of Grade Three from Biherawi Betemengist, Edget Besira , Karalo ,...
This paper describes the current approach to the instruction of Hebrew as a mother-tongue (L1) language based on technological developments and on the relationship between technology and pedagogy. As such, we rely on well-known models of integrating computerized tools and distance learning in the educational system, while emphasizing the potential contribution of these environments to L1 education. At the core of this paper is the combination of linguistic and didactic approaches to L1...