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The study reported here is for Phase 2 of the research project known as ‘The Impact of a Tech-Supported, School-Based Teacher Continuous Professional Development Model on Learning Outcomes in Tanzania’ and part of the global Empowering Teachers Initiative (ETI), which comprises 10 country projects. It is closely aligned with the implementation of ‘MEWAKA’ (Mafunzo Endelevu kwa Walimu Kazini) or Teacher continuous professional development (TCPD), and the Tanzania National TCPD implementation...
This Learning Brief is part of the EdTech Hub Learning Brief Series, providing practical resources for people working to improve the use of technology in education. In this brief, we look at the potential for participatory methods to bring teachers closer to the decision-making table. Insights from those closest to the work shed light on the daily contextual realities that can determine the mechanisms for optimal success or failure of a programme. However, these voices are often neglected...
The Cohort Learning Handbook captures EdTech Hub’s approach to building cohorts on its Evidence-Led Entrepreneurship Course. The course aims to help entrepreneurs adopt and utilise evidence to learn and to scale their products and services. The Handbook is for individuals and organisations who support EdTech entrepreneurs (e.g., accelerators, entrepreneurship programmes, and funders). Building a cohort supports entrepreneurs to learn quickly and more confidently as a result of learning with,...
Kifurushi hiki kina zana za utafiti zilizotengenezwa na EdTech Hub, Aga Khan University, na Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania kwa ajili ya utafiti unaochunguza athari za programu ya maendeleo ya kitaaluma ya walimu kwenye matokeo ya masomo ya ngazi ya msingi. Zana zimetengenezwa na kufanyiwa majaribio makubwa katika warsha, pamoja na shuleni. Zana hizi zimetengenezwa kwa kuzingatia mifano mizuri kama vile zana ya Benki ya Dunia ya TEACH ya uchunguzi wa darasani, pamoja na miradi mingine ya utafiti...
This pack contains links to research instruments developed by EdTech Hub, Aga Khan University, and Tanzania Institute of Education for a study investigating the impact of a national teacher professional development programme on primary-level learning outcomes. The tools have been developed iteratively, with substantive piloting having taken place, both in workshop settings and in schools. They draw on good practice examples, such as the World Bank’s TEACH tool for classroom observation and...
Previous studies have frequently demonstrated that educational television viewing can have a positive effect on learning in low-income country contexts when shows are delivered in controlled settings. However, the consequence of day-to-day viewing in such contexts has scarcely been considered. Additionally, no recent published research has provided any information on the costs of educational television. The lack of research in these areas is striking. Examining educational television viewing...
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