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EdTech Evidence From Covid-19 Response: A thematic review of primary research from Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya, Pakistan and Sierra Leone

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EdTech Evidence From Covid-19 Response: A thematic review of primary research from Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya, Pakistan and Sierra Leone
To better understand the use of EdTech interventions as part of response to the Covid-19 pandemic, EdTech Hub commissioned ten small-scale research studies in five low- and middle-income countries: Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya, Pakistan, and Sierra Leone. This paper includes insight into research methodologies across these studies, with particularly interesting findings on how EdTech effectiveness is being measured. A semi-structured thematic analysis further provides insights in relation to four main user groups of learners, girls, teachers, and parents and caregivers and points to a series of cross-cutting factors that are important for EdTech interventions in low-resource settings. An overarching takeaway centres on the fact that having technology in place is a small part of EdTech effectiveness, with wider teaching and learning ecosystems accompanying EdTech deserving more attention. Overall, the studies reveal a symbiotic relationship between people and technology, reinforcing that EdTech works best when users are involved across design, iteration, awareness building, and engagement. Keywords: EdTech, Covid-19, digital, education, learning, remote An output of the EdTech Hub, https://edtechhub.org
Report Number
Report Type
Working Paper
EdTech Hub
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
DOI: 10.53832/edtechhub.0114 ZenodoArchiveID: 7074857 ZenodoArchiveConcept: 7074856
Nicolai, S., Jefferies, K., & Stepanek Lockhart, A. (2023). EdTech Evidence From Covid-19 Response: A thematic review of primary research from Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya, Pakistan and Sierra Leone (Working Paper No. 49). EdTech Hub. https://doi.org/10.53832/edtechhub.0114
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