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Constructivist learning systems: a new paradigm

Resource type
Conference Paper
Constructivist learning systems: a new paradigm
The educational enterprise is in the midst of a philosophical shift from a behaviorist to a constructivist paradigm. If constructivism is to be taken seriously as a new educational paradigm in the information age, learning technology R&D must pay more attention to learners instead of teachers. A constructivist learning environment (CLE) is a technology-rich, open place where a learner can use a variety of tools and information resources in his pursuit of learning goals and problem-solving activities. Wherein the learner can draw upon information resources and tools to actively construct knowledge, generate a diverse array of ideas, develop multiple modes of representation, engage in social interaction, and solve authentic problems. Four major elements are bound together by their roles in the establishment of a CLE: public knowledge system; distributed instructional system; learning community; constructivist learning system.
August 2001
Proceedings Title
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
Conference Name
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
Short Title
Constructivist learning systems
Library Catalogue
IEEE Xplore
shortDOI: 10/chckwf
Weiqi Li. (2001). Constructivist learning systems: a new paradigm. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 433–434.