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Mobile solution for better reading instruction in rural Africa

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Conference Paper
Mobile solution for better reading instruction in rural Africa
GraphoGame Teacher Training Service is a mobile-based solution for providing teachers with scientifically validated pedagogical training in literacy instruction. In many African countries teachers currently have insufficient knowledge to teach literacy in local languages and learning materials are scarce, especially for children with learning difficulties. As part of the GraphoWorld network, CAPOLSA/University of Zambia is developing new mobile-based method for providing in-service training for teachers in literacy instruction and assisting children with learning difficulties. GraphoGame Teacher Training Service was piloted in October 2014 in rural Zambia. An orientative workshop was given to 24 teachers who learned about literacy instruction methodology and then organized a GraphoGame intervention to randomly selected 2nd grade children either at home or in a school environment. Parents of the children in the home intervention group were also encouraged to play GraphoGame. GraphoGame learning analytics shows that both the children and their parents improved their word reading skills. Children who played GraphoGame performed better than their non-playing classmates in the EGRA letter-sound knowledge test at the end of the intervention. Teachers, parents and children were all motivated to use ICT-based literacy learning tools and their literacy skills levels show high demand for support services for literacy instruction.
May 2015
Proceedings Title
2015 IST-Africa Conference
Conference Name
2015 IST-Africa Conference
Library Catalogue
IEEE Xplore
ISSN: null shortDOI: 10/gf62qw
Ojanen, E., Jere-Folotiya, J., Yalukanda, C., Sampa, F., Nshimbi, C., Katongo, M., Choopa, M., & Lyytinen, H. (2015). Mobile solution for better reading instruction in rural Africa. 2015 IST-Africa Conference, 1–13.