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Technological Hazards in Classroom Instruction: Rebooting the School Education System in Pakistan

Resource type
Journal Article
Technological Hazards in Classroom Instruction: Rebooting the School Education System in Pakistan
The classroom instruction had undergone radical changes since the introduction of computers in the 1990s for educational purposes. New techniques and methods of classroom instruction and student-teacher interaction have emerged. The use of ICTs has put forward new prospects for the teachers as well as students. But, the introduction of these media and methods has made it difficult for the teachers to collaborate efficiently with the ever-changing classroom applications. The present study is an effort to disinter the status of the use ICTs for classroom instruction. For this purpose a questionnaire consisting of most common interactive social media apps and classroom instructional materials was used to collect data from the elementary level school teachers. The analysis of data revealed that the teachers are rarely using these apps and materials during their classroom instruction. Moreover, no training had ever been arranged for the teachers to help them use these apps and materials. It is, therefore, recommended that extensive teacher training is needed to enable the teachers for the effective use of ICTs in the classroom. School education cannot be made successful unless the whole system is rebooted through effective measures and productive use of ICTs.
Volume 39
Issue 2
Library Catalogue
Saleem, K., Farid, S., & Atiq, H. (2019). Technological Hazards in Classroom Instruction: Rebooting the School Education System in Pakistan. Volume 39(Issue 2).