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World Librarians: A Peer-to-Peer Commons for Closing the Global Digital Divide

Resource type
Journal Article
World Librarians: A Peer-to-Peer Commons for Closing the Global Digital Divide
The Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication seeks to share useful innovations, both in thought and in practice, with the aim of encouraging scholarly exchange and the subsequent benefits that are borne of scrutiny, experimentation and debate. As modes of scholarly communication, the technologies and economics of publishing and the roles of libraries evolve, it is our hope that the work shared in the journal will inform practices that strengthen librarianship and that increase access to the "common Stock of Knowledge."JLSC is particularly interested in the intersection of librarianship and publishing and the resulting role of libraries in both content dissemination and content creation. Related areas of interest include new methods for the dissemination of information and information exchange; the theory and practice of the organization, use and curation of information; and issues related to the review, credentialing, reputation and impact of scholarly work.
Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication
Short Title
World Librarians
15/09/2020, 16:22
Library Catalogue
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Number: 2 Publisher: Pacific University Libraries
Schweik, C., Smith, J., & Meyer, C. (2018). World Librarians: A Peer-to-Peer Commons for Closing the Global Digital Divide. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 6(2), eP2249.