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Where do teachers go, and where do they stay?

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Blog Post
Where do teachers go, and where do they stay?
In Sierra Leone, a government payroll position is tied to the teacher, not the school, meaning teachers can change schools once they go on the payroll. This leads to certain schools being chronically understaffed. It also suggests that deploying teachers to rural and understaffed schools (or putting teachers already there on payroll) might not tackle high pupil-to-qualified-teacher ratios in the longer term. Investigating the school-to-school movement of payroll teachers can help us understand where teachers go after they go on the payroll and how long they stay in a given school. We also looked at overall movement nationally to identify areas of the country that are outliers in terms of high and low retention of teachers.
Blog Title
EdTech Hub
22/03/2023, 10:30
27/06/2023, 19:20
Lurvink, A.-F., Espinoza-Revollo, P., Ali, Y., Garrod, O., Atherton, P., Mackintosh, A., Ramirez, A., Beoku-Betts, I., Haßler, B., Godwin, K., & Godwin, A.-F. L., Patricia Espinoza-Revollo, Yusuf Ali, Oliver Garrod, Paul Atherton, Alasdair Mackintosh, Ana Ramirez, Iman Beoku-Betts, Björn Haßler and Katie. (2023, March 22). Where do teachers go, and where do they stay? EdTech Hub.