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The status of early childhood education in Pakistan: Inside stories

Resource type
Journal Article
The status of early childhood education in Pakistan: Inside stories
This article analyses the status of early childhood education in Pakistan. The education systems in place in Pakistan are mainly framed within a didactic approach to teaching and learning, which addresses certain areas of education but does not teach the child as a whole. Domains of children’s holistic development such as social, ethical, cultural, intellectual, emotional and physical well-being, and some other key academic skills, are not fully covered. In this kind of education, students are taught to follow rules without question and do as instructed, which corresponds to an autocratic view of learning. In the context of early childhood education in Pakistan, teachers occupy dominant roles, which positions them as the imparters and sources of knowledge and children as dependent and the receivers of knowledge, rather than considering them as potential, curious and powerful learners with unlimited capabilities. The literature indicates that this approach to teaching and learning does not privilege the holistic development and well-being of children. In contrast, many developed countries use research-based contemporary approaches to children’s education and development, giving children a more central role in their learning to ensure that every child has the opportunity to develop to their full potential. This kind of approach reminds teachers to view all children not as needy or deficient individuals.
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood
February 22, 2018
Journal Abbr
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood
Short Title
The status of early childhood education in Pakistan
Library Catalogue
Khan, A. (2018). The status of early childhood education in Pakistan: Inside stories. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 19, 146394911875704.