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Empowering teachers and children for a healthy digital life : report on activities carried out at the European School of Varese, Italy.

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Empowering teachers and children for a healthy digital life : report on activities carried out at the European School of Varese, Italy.
This document reports on a training action with teachers that targeted mostly the role of teachers in the promotion of a balanced and healthy online life and the prevention of cyber-bullying at primary school level. Our aim in this experience in training the primary teacher of the European School of Varese is to open a path to empower teachers in guiding our children to become smart, responsible, and respectful also when using media and help them to understand the ethical consequences behind the decisions they make online. Healthy children learn better and become healthy adults enabling them to reach their potential. This document describes the training activities that took place among teachers of the primary sections of the European School of Varese. It then summarises the observations made by the moderators of the respective activities and finally presents the recommendations that have been made by the teachers and the moderators in the light of the described experiences.
Report Type
Short Title
Empowering teachers and children for a healthy digital life
17/03/2021, 07:09
ISBN: 9789279392757 Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union
European Commission. (2013). Empowering teachers and children for a healthy digital life : report on activities carried out at the European School of Varese, Italy. [Website].