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How Can EMIS be Designed and Implemented in Ways That Make Them Used and Useful?

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How Can EMIS be Designed and Implemented in Ways That Make Them Used and Useful?
This Learning Brief is part of the EdTech Hub Learning Brief Series, providing practical resources for people working to improve the use of technology in education. In this brief, we look at education management information systems (EMIS). EMIS are pivotal in educational administration, facilitating the digitisation of processes and data to enable informed decision-making. However, persistent challenges impede their effectiveness. We examine why it is vital to consider how EMIS are designed and implemented, particularly with regard to the needs and contexts of low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We consider constraints in technical capacity, limited funding, and insufficient user engagement. We identify concrete, evidence-based recommendations for how to make EMIS useful and used more frequently based on current and recent research. To enhance EMIS efficacy, there is a need to underscore utility and usability, ensuring the collection of pertinent data and user-friendly interfaces. Furthermore, the social implications of EMIS data on individuals and communities must be considered in order to meet their needs. We also explore areas for further consideration and include lists of resources relevant to EMIS and questions and solutions to consider. Keywords: education management information systems (EMIS); low- and middle-income countries (LMICs); user-centred design; evidence-based decision-making; EdTech; educational administration. An output of the EdTech Hub, https://edtechhub.org/
Report Type
Learning Brief
EdTech Hub
Call Number
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
DOI: 10.53832/edtechhub.1015 ZenodoArchiveID: 10694602 ZenodoArchiveConcept: 10694601
Adam, T., & Mitchell, J. (2024). How Can EMIS be Designed and Implemented in Ways That Make Them Used and Useful? [Learning Brief]. EdTech Hub. https://doi.org/10.53832/edtechhub.1015
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