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Teachers' beliefs influence the acceptance and uptake of new approaches, techniques, and activities, and therefore play an important part in teacher development. Consequently, trainers running teacher education courses should consider encouraging participants to think about their personal beliefs and theories about teaching before providing input. This article proposes the use of an instrument designed to elicit teachers' beliefs based on Kelly's (1969) theory of personal constructs, using...
Improving science education is often regarded as a priority for developing countries in order to promote longterm economic development. Thus initiatives, both government and foreign-aid sponsored, aimed at improving science education in developing countries abound. However, all too often the focus of such initiatives is limited to the development of science curricula, while the details of how the curricula will be implemented at school level are often neglected. This paper represents an...
Following elections in 1994, the Government of Malawi embarked on an ambitious programme of free primary education (FPE), resulting in a dramatic increase in enrolment. The paper argues that the policy did not sufficiently consider the ways in which direct and indirect costs of schooling continue to be prohibitive for some households, or the effects that the expansion would have on quality. The relevance of education for the majority of children who receive only a few years of primary...
Change is constant in everyday life. Infants crawl and then walk, children learn to read and write, teenagers mature in myriad ways, the elderly become frail and forgetful. Beyond these natural processes and events, external forces and interventions instigate and disrupt change: test scores may rise after a coaching course, drug abusers may remain abstinent after residential treatment. By charting changes over time and investigating whether and when events occur, researchers reveal the...
The sixth paper in this series discusses the design and principles of randomised controlled trials.
Successful management of today’s education systems requires effective policymaking and system monitoring through data and information. To this end, countries around the world have invested significant resources into collecting, processing, and managing more and better data through education management information systems (EMIS). However, all too often EMIS design and development has been limited to information technology enhancements, and/or data storage and maintenance, with insufficient...
In this paper, we challenge the universality of three basic assumptions prevalent in organizational decision support and strategy: assumptions of order, of rational choice, and of intent. We describe the Cynefin framework, a sense-making device we have developed to help people make sense of the complexities made visible by the relaxation of these assumptions. The Cynefin framework is derived from several years of action research into the use of narrative and complexity theory in...
Reform in teaching and learning forms one of the basic dimensions of educational reform. This study explores the impact of the reform process on teacher thinking and classroom practice in the multi-donor supported District Primary Education Project in Karnataka, India. Using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, a variety of aspects dealing with teaching and learning are examined in order to understand the extent to which changes are taking place in the classroom. The study...
Successful management of today’s education systems requires effective policymaking and system monitoring through data and information. To this end, countries around the world have invested significant resources into collecting, processing, and managing more and better data through education management information systems (EMIS). However, all too often EMIS design and development has been limited to information technology enhancements, and/or data storage and maintenance, with insufficient...
Johnson, B. and Turner, L.A. (2003) Data Collection Strategies in Mixed Methods Research. In: Tashakkori, A.M. and Teddlie, C.B., Eds., Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social and Behavioral Research, SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, 297-319.