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Cambodia Digital Education Landscape Scan

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Cambodia Digital Education Landscape Scan
The Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) is committed to increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching and learning across classrooms, school libraries, teacher training centers, and other educational institutions by leveraging digital tools and resources. In August 2022, MoEYS shared a draft National Statement of Commitment To Transform Education System in Cambodia in which advancing digital education is one of eight top priorities.1 In line with MoEYS’s national priorities, World Education, (WE) has been contracted by UNICEF under CDPF III to support the design and development of an improved digital educational environment for educators and learners that will enhance outcomes by encouraging active learning, enabling greater differentiation and personalization in instruction, improving cooperation among learners, educators, students, and increasing positive attitudes towards learning. From October 2022 to January 2023, WE conducted a Cambodia Digital Education landscape scan to map existing efforts and assess their quality, effectiveness and impact, accessibility and adoption, and efficiency and sustainability. The goal of this national landscape scan was to gain a deeper understanding of the existing or emerging digital learning interventions for teachers and students, including platforms and centers, that were or are in use and for whom and in what contexts they are effective or not. WE employed a mixed-methods approach that featured key informant interviews, online surveys, desk research, focus group discussions with teacher educators and general education teachers. In total, research was conducted with over 500 stakeholders in diverse education settings across 20 provinces. It is important to note that there were two limitations of our study: the first that there was a high proportion of teacher educators (approximately 62%) from our sample in comparison to general education teachers (30%), which skewed results and made it difficult to generalize; the team sought to mitigate this by disaggregating responses by teacher role where possible. The second limitation is that the online surveys were distributed digitally so teachers in rural areas where internet access is limited would not have been able to access the online survey. The landscape scan culminated in a co-design workshop in February 2023 bringing together 25 participants from technical departments of MoEYS, other relevant government agencies, and development partners to triangulate findings and co-develop recommendations.
March 2023
World Education. (2023). Cambodia Digital Education Landscape Scan.