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Secondary Education During Lockdown Situation Due to Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: Teachers’ Response on Online Classes

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Journal Article
Secondary Education During Lockdown Situation Due to Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: Teachers’ Response on Online Classes
Online classes started in many secondary schools one month after the compulsory closure of all education institutions in Bangladesh. This study explores the current scenario as well as challenges of adaptation of online classes in secondary education in terms of teachers’ experience. The study followed sequential exploratory mixed-method approach. Five secondary teachers were interviewed and 54 secondary teachers from 17 districts in Bangladesh were surveyed over telephone, Google forms and by email. The quantitative data was analyzed with Microsoft Excel and the thematic analysis approach had been followed for the qualitative one. The findings revealed that a good number of teachers have started teaching online by using social media platforms despite of not having any training or experience. Very few respondent teachers were found to take online examination; instead they are trying to assess the students from the feedback of given home works and home assignments. Teachers are facing numerous challenges like deficit of digital equipment, lack of expertise, unfamiliarity with the LMS, proficiency in assessment technique etc. The paper concludes with few recommendations such as providing proper devices to the teachers and students to participate in online class; facilitate rigorous training to enhance technology-based skills and capacities of the teachers so as to get the expected outcome.
Journal of Education and Practice
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Secondary Education During Lockdown Situation Due to Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh
19/05/2021, 17:09
Library Catalogue (Crossref)
Farhana, Z., Tanni, S., Shabnam, S., & Chowdhury, S. (2020). Secondary Education During Lockdown Situation Due to Covid-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh: Teachers’ Response on Online Classes. Journal of Education and Practice.