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Developing a Proof of Concept for a Regional Learning Hub for Eastern and Southern Africa Part 1: Inception Report

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Developing a Proof of Concept for a Regional Learning Hub for Eastern and Southern Africa Part 1: Inception Report
In 2021 the UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO), UNESCO, UNHCR, the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) and EdTech Hub began collaborating to develop a Regional Learning Hub (RLH). The aim of the RLH is to create a platform to provide teaching and learning content aligned to the curricula of different countries in the region that is appropriate to local contexts. The RLH is envisaged as a platform where digital learning content has been pre-aligned with national curricula to enable use by governments and education stakeholders to facilitate quick selection of content for educational use in their regions. This document is the first of five reports on the development of a proof of concept for the Hub. It provides a background and overview of the project. We recommend beginning with the Final report and then moving to any of the remaining four reports, depending on your interest: Inception report User research Skills taxonomy Content curation An output of the EdTech Hub, https://edtechhub.org
Report Number
Report Type
Technical Report
EdTech Hub
Short Title
Developing a Proof of Concept for a Regional Learning Hub for Eastern and Southern Africa Part 1
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Groeneveld, C., Michels, G., & Kaye, T. (2022). Developing a Proof of Concept for a Regional Learning Hub for Eastern and Southern Africa Part 1: Inception Report (Technical Report No. 1). EdTech Hub. https://doi.org/10.53832/edtechhub.0075
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